Thursday, December 6, 2012

Evaluating The Church Musician Director

·     The church musician can be a challenge for a group of non-musicians to evaluate when it is time for the annual reviews.  This might be a helpful tool to use.

  • Interpretative Talent: Does the musician have "soul?"  Interpretive talent is the ability to take what is written on a score and understand what was intended by the composer.  It is also the ability to communicate how God intends the music to sound.
  • Communication Talent.  Communicate clearly that "soul" of the music to the others in the music team?  
  • Teaching Talent:  The ability to teach adults, youth, and children and make it enjoyable is a necessary but rare skill.
  • People Talent. Does the musician have the people skills to deal with the music team?  Can he or she have the ability to deal with natural conflicts of people in an organization.  Talented musicians can be emotional and sensitive.  It is not unusual for them to have egos that are easily bruised.  Directors need to be sensitive.
  • Applicability.  The ability to recognize the proper place of music in worship,  that music is a part of the life of the church, not the center.
  • Musicianship.  The musician should always strive toward excellence in presenting himself or herself and the organizations he or she leads.
  • Music Knowledge. The musician should be well-versed in styles and history of music.
  • Spirituality.  The musician should be sincere in his or her faith.
  • Sense of Humor and personality

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