Thursday, December 6, 2012

Criteria for recommending raises:

What is the criteria by which a decision is made to give a merit raise?  In the church, we might think, "I like the guy, so I'll give a raise."  That is not fair to the whole of the staff community.  

Here are some points to consider:

1.   Supervision.  Is the person able to work without immediate and frequent supervision, or does the Head of Staff need to provide constant and ongoing supervision and follow-up of various duties?
2.   Church Growth.  Is this person responsible for bringing in new members into the congregation, or can the departure of church members be traced directly to this staff person?
3.   Church Budget.  Is this person responsible for increasing income and decreasing or controlling expenses, or can it be demonstrated that this person has caused a decrease of income or a increase in expenses?
4.   Church Programs.  Is this person credited with creating new programs or giving new life and energy to existing programs?
5.   Church Life.  Is this person credited with bringing peace, unity and purity into the congregation, or has this person caused unrest, division and dissension? 

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