Minutes 5-15
Formation CIRCLE
Activity level MEDIUM
Age levels: ANY
People 8-12
Supplies HOSE
Instructions: Have everyone stand in a circle and give each
participant one hose don't forget to go over hose safety issues. Instruct the participants to grab one end of
his or her hose with his or her right hand, letting the hose hang down. Then have everyone put both hands in the
middle of the circle. With his or her
left hand, he or she needs to grab the end of someone else's hose. He or she cannot grab the person's hose that
is immediately to his or her right or left, nor can two people grab each
other's hose. Once everyone is connected,
the group tries to unknot themselves and get back into a circle without dropping
or letting go of any hose. Some knots
are unable to be unwound back to one big circle, and the group might finish in
a figure eight formation or two mutually exclusive circles.
Leader's Hints: We like playing this game with hose instead
of just holding hands, because it keeps the participants personal space from
being totally invaded. Adding the hose
also lets young and old work together to untangle the knot. Human hose knot is
an activity that will make everyone get up close and personal. Make sure your group is ready for this type
of game!
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