Location – indoor
Minutes 5-15
Formation – circle
Activity Medium
Age Elementary, youth, adult, intergenerational
People 20-200
Supplies: Music
Instructions: Begin
with your group in one large circle. Ask
for 4-20 volunteers this is dependent upon the size of your group to move to
the center of the space. Have the
volunteers partner up and place themselves around the circle. Have the couples join hands to make an arch
see picture. The arches must keep their
arms raised until the music stops. Have
the remaining players face counterclockwise; start the music. The players walk single file under the arches
until the music stops. The arches lower
their arms and catch someone in their arch.
Send these people to the middle of the room. Have each player pair up with another caught
player and move to join in the circle.
Continue playing until all members of your group have been caught and
now have a partner. The more arches, the
more people you catch!
Leader's Hint: Great
lead-in for partnering up people for dancing or following with other games
requiring partners for example, Tunnel Tag or Thumb in the Hole.
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