Thursday, December 2, 1999

How To Prepare A Weekly Bulletin

  1.  Each week the church publishes a bulletin with inserts (such as an “I Worshipped Here Today registration and event sign-up insert, and an insert with weekly announcements and prayer guide.
  2.  The worship service in the bulletin will be prepared primarily by the Senior Pastor or the preacher for the day.  The secretary, or a volunteer supervised by the secretary, will need to add the information from the Music Director the bulletin.
  3.  It is best to start with a template with yellow highlighted areas, in which the yellow sections indicate a portion of the bulletin that still needs to be changed.

  4.  Check the flower announcement and include in the appropriate place in this week’s bulletin.
  5. Check the names of worship leaders and include in appropriate place in this week’s bulletin.
  6. When the preacher for the day gives the hymns, double check the number AND the tune (a few hymns have two tunes – a church volunteer can help if there is a question and the preacher for the day is not available.
  7.  The preacher for the day will change the liturgical sections of the bulletin, such as the Call to Worship, the Prayer of Confession, etc.  If you need a resource, go to and go to the Worship Section.

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