Saturday, January 6, 2001

Personnel Evaluation and Review Form

It is important to do an annual review for all staff members.  It is also important for the supervisor to be very honest and frank.  There should always be at least one or two items that should be rated as "Needs Improvement."  Nobody is perfect.  Give the staff member some direction for improvement.  Set goals for the coming year. 

1.  Have each staff person do a self-evaluation.
2.  Have the supervisor complete an evaluation.
3.  Distribute the evaluations to the Personnel Committee and the employee, along with the most recent job description.  
4.  Arrange a meeting for the reviews.  
5.  At the review, two or more members of the personnel committee should be present, along with the supervisor and the employee.  
6.  Review the evaluation.  Commend and correct as appropriate.
7.  At the end of the review meeting, the staff person, supervisor and those personnel committee members who were present should sign and date the reviews and the job description.  (Including the most recent job description helps everyone know they are working from the same document, and avoids having some work with a recent revision while others work with an older version.  Signing the document does not imply agreement, just receipt.
8.  The original documents, once signed, should go in the employee's personnel file.

ANNUAL REVIEW FOR ____________________________________         
Date:  _____________________
(use additional pages as needed)

MY CELEBRATIONS OF THE PAST YEAR:  (The staff member may list and describe as many work-related accomplishments as desired)

MY CONCERNS FOR THE PAST YEAR:  (The staff member may list and describe work-related frustrations or challenges that were encountered)

MY GOALS FOR THE COMING YEAR:  (The staff member may list the goals that he or she would like to accomplish for the coming year(s).  For most goals, the staff member should add a comment about what is needed from the Session, budget or volunteers in order to accomplish the goal.)

GENERAL OR OTHER COMMENTS:  (The staff member may list any other comments that he or she would like to add to the record).


Each area will be rated in one of the following levels:
Very Good
Needs Improvement

1. Leadership: Influencing others for the church’s best interest, sets an example for others to follow, exhibits spiritual maturity.
Evaluation:  Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

2. Attitude: Cultivates a positive outlook on life, a sense of humor, and maintains a spirit of gratitude.
Evaluation:  Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

3. Team Player: Overall attitude, cooperation and a servant’s heart in areas outside your own responsibility.
Evaluation:  Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

4. Finance: Planning ministry budget and the ability to stay within budget.
Evaluation:  Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

5. Essentials: Able to plan ahead, focus on important areas, and meet or exceed goals.
Evaluation:  Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

6. Leadership Development: Continually developing leaders at every level while helping volunteers serve in accordance with their gifts and passions.
Evaluation:  Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

7. Creativity: Takes initiative, thinks out of the box, is pro-active, anticipates problems and designs solutions, innovative.
Evaluation:  Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

8. Professionalism: Excellence in areas such as returning phone calls, personal appearance, punctuality, follow-through and ability to handle sensitive/confidential information.
Evaluation:  Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

Staff member signature: _________________________   Date:  _______________

Senior Pastor signature: _________________________   Date:  _________________

Personnel Committee Member: ____________________ Date:  _________________

Personnel Committee Member: ___________________   Date:  _________________

 Personnel Committee Member: ___________________  Date:  _________________

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